Monday, September 20, 2010


All of us hit a wall and get discouraged once in a while.We begin to doubt our creative ability or even if we ever had one.This can be caused by so many outside sources;one of the worst is when we feel no one shows any interest in our products let alone in purchasing one.While we continue to strive to put forth unique and lovely pieces that we litterally pray someone will buy.Have faith in yourself and the thing you love to do;it's much easier to have faith in others.We are seldom as as accepting of ourselves as we are to other people.No one has a pat answer to help the doubt go away.Lord knows I wish I did, keep creating,using your imagination and the skill in your hands;and believe the best is yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. good blog post! Remember everyone, the best thing we can do for each other is respond to your fellow artisan's posts, comment on each other's FB pages, and Comment and rate each other's treasuries and collections. IT DOES MAKES A DIFFERENCE! We just want to be heard! Don't just be a fan and never acknowledge their posts. That urks me.
